バルブカバー シェベル カマロ インパラ ベルエア コルベット センターボルト SBC 350 305 ビレット インマニ ビレットスペシャリティーズ

 シボレー センターボルト用バルブカバー   

シボレー V8 エンジン

350 センターボルト 1988 - 1998年用

PML製 バルブカバー  左右SET






新品 未使用







Chevy Small Block, 1987 to 1998, 

Center Bolt, CHEVROLET Script And Fins

The valve covers feature vintage CHEVROLET lettering and fins for a classic appearance. PML made these for GM Generation II LT1 and LT4 small block engines, center bolt mounting.


  • Traditional look
  • Heavy duty sand cast aluminum construction for secure two bolt clamping on the cylinder head
  • Optional PCV/Breather/Oil Fill holes on intake manifold side for a functional yet clean design
  • Gasket and new mounting bolts included
  • Slightly taller than stock
  • CHEVROLET script used under license to PML, Inc., by General Motors

Award winning twobolt design: These valve covers won the SEMA 2007 Global Media Award for the two bolt mounting design. Stock valve covers have four bolts holding the cover on to the engine. PML two bolt design removes the two center bolts for an attractive presentation.

Because PML valve covers have thick wall, sand cast aluminum construction, they are much stiffer than stock and need only two bolts to apply pressure evenly to the gasket. PML valve covers will not tweak, bend, twist or deform. No leaks and a great look to dress up your engine.

The CHEVROLET script and fins are cast into the cover and are raised. On powder coated parts, the powder coat is shaved off the top of the script and the fins.

Also available with CORVETTE script.

General Motors Trademarks are used under license to PML, Inc.

PML made these valve covers for GM Generation II LT1 and LT4 small block engines, center bolt mounting to the cylinder head.

These applications may have Chevy small block engines with center bolt mounting and be able to use these valve covers:

  • Crate engines, such as ZZ4 and Ramjet
  • 1987 to 1998 Silverado, Sierra, Suburban, Tahoe
  • 1987 to 1998 Corvette, Impala SS, Camaro Z28
  • Mid 90s Pontiac Camaro and Firebird


写真の 物で 全てです。  

他にも 多数 出品中です。


[北海道] 2210円 (北海道)
[北東北] 1890円 (青森、岩手、秋田)
[南東北] 1790円 (山形、宮城、福島)
[ 関東 ] 1790円 (茨城、栃木、群馬、埼玉、千葉、東京、神奈川、山梨)
[ 信越 ] 1790円 (新潟、長野)
[ 中部 ] 1790円 (静岡、愛知、岐阜、三重)
[ 北陸 ] 1790円 (富山、石川、福井)
[ 関西 ] 1890円 (滋賀、京都、大阪、兵庫、奈良、和歌山)
[ 中国 ] 2000円 (鳥取、岡山、島根、広島、山口)
[ 四国 ] 2100円 (香川、徳島、愛媛、高知)
[ 九州 ] 2210円 (福岡、佐賀、長崎、熊本、大分、宮崎、鹿児島)
[ 沖縄 ] 3890円 (沖縄)
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