グランド・ファンク・レイルロード - Korakuen Stadium 1971 - Grand Funk Railroad
グランド・ファンク・レイルロード - Korakuen Stadium 1971 - Grand Funk Railroad
[Korakuen Stadium, Tokyo, Japan 17th July 1971]
1. Children Of The Sun
2. Gladwin
Grand Funk Railroad
3. Goro Itoi & Terry Knight Stage Announcements
4. Also Sprach Zarathustra / Soundcheck
5. Goro Itoi Introduction
6. Are You Ready
7. Paranoid
8. In Need
9. Heartbreaker
10. Mark Says Alright
11. T.N.U.C.
12. Inside Looking Out
Mark Farner - Guitar, Vocal
Don Brewer - Drums, Vocal
Mel Schacher - Bass