日産純正新品 未使用品 希少品のセドリック グロリア センター エアコン 吹き出し口です。
適合車種 セドリック/グロリア 適合型式 Y31,CY31,CUY31,UY31,PY31,PAY31 トリムコード C
Y31のセドリック/グロリアの純正パーツは車両生産終了に伴い非常に入手困難となっております。 メーカーではすでに生産終了した部品も多々ございますので、在庫が有るうちに修理・交換がおすすめです。
This is a genuine Nissan new, unused, and rare Cedric Gloria center air conditioner vent.
These are parts that fade or come loose due to aging. Just by replacing these parts, the impression will change completely.
Since it is a genuine new item, you can use it with confidence in terms of quality and fitting.
Compatible models: Cedric/Gloria Compatible models Y31, CY31, CUY31, UY31, PY31, PAY31 Trim code C
Genuine parts for Y31 Cedric/Gloria are extremely difficult to obtain due to the discontinuation of vehicle production. There are many parts that have already been discontinued by manufacturers, so we recommend repairing or replacing them while supplies last. |