## 帯 Buddy Guy / First Time I Met The Blues [ JPN CHESS P-Vine Special PLP-815-6 ] マニア必聴

帯 Buddy Guy First Time I Met The Blues [ JPN CHESS P-Vine Special PLP-815-6 ]

A1I Suffer With The Blues
A2Mother-In-Law Blues
A3She Suits Me To A Tee
A4My Mother
A5Keep It To Myself
A6You Got To Use Your Head
A7Leave My Girl Alone
B1My Time After While
B2Night Flight
B3I Dig Your Wig
B5Stick Around
B6Buddy's Boogie
B7No Lie
B8American Bandstand
C1The Treasure Untold
C2When My Left Eye Jumps
C3Hard But It's Fair
C4I Found A True Love
C6Stone Crazy
C7Watch Yourself
D1Ten Years Ago
D2Hully Gully
D3I Got A Srange Feeling
D4Let Me Love You Baby
D5First Time I Met The Blues
D6I Got My Eyes On You
D7Broken Hearted Blues
D8Slop Around
製造元 Blues Interactions, Inc.

Comes with Green/White OBI and insert.

北海道 1710円
東北、関東、信越、北陸、東海 1200円
東京 1130円
近畿 1310円
中国、四国 1440円
九州 1710円
沖縄 1810円