スバル純正新品 未使用品 超希少廃番品のヴィヴィオ ビストロ フードモールです。
こちらの商品は廃番品の為、在庫限りになります。 補修部品のストックや修理で必要でしたらお早めにお求め下さい。
適合車種 ヴィヴィオ ビストロ 適合型式 kk3,kk4, 適合年式 1995/11-1998/11
Subaru genuine new unused product Vivio Bistro food mall of super rare discontinued product.
This product has been discontinued and is out of stock. If you need spare parts for stock or repair, please purchase them as soon as possible.
By replacing the scratched or corroded parts of the plated parts with new ones, the impression will change completely.
Since it is a genuine new product, you can use it with confidence in terms of quality and fitting.
Compatible models Vivio Bistro Applicable model kk3, kk4, Compatible year 1995/11-1998/11 |